The Initiates

Animal Communication with Colleen Kersey

Colleen Kersey Episode 33

Today I speak with Colleen Kersey, who shares her incredible gift of animal communication, and some profound wisdom that she's received from the beloved pets she's connected with.

Here, Colleen shares the journey of discovering her gifts, and the beautiful spiritual bond between pets and their people. We also touch on some hard topics, like the impact of past traumas on our pets, and the difficult and emotional process of deciding when it's time to allow a pet to pass.

This episode is so beautiful it made me laugh *and* cry.  It's a celebration of our profound connection with animals, and an important reminder to cherish and connect with all of the animals in your life.


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Speaker 2:

This is the Initiates Podcast. I am your host and guide, natalie Grace. Join me for an enlightening exploration of spirituality, mysticism and awakening. It's my honor to journey with you. Hello, my friends, and welcome to the Initiates Podcast. Thank you so much for joining me. Today I'm going to be sharing an interview.

Speaker 2:

I recently spoke to an amazing woman named Colleen Cursey, who is an animal communicator. If you have listened to this podcast before, you'll probably know how important animals and pets are to me. I am on a farm and I have a deep, deep soul bond with all of my animals, but especially my little kitty, bread. When I came into connection with Colleen, I immediately knew that I wanted to speak to her about her incredible gift of being able to communicate with animals, and pets especially, and learn about what this incredible purpose and job is all about. Colleen is based in France and runs a business called Authentic Pathways. She is an animal communicator as well as a Reiki practitioner and a Tarot teacher like me.

Speaker 2:

On today's episode, we talk about what it is to communicate with pets. She shares her journey to discovering her gift of being able to communicate with animals. I was really interested to learn what she's learned about animals and humans and the connection and also just the broader nature of existence. Because animals are so wise and they're such incredible teachers, I really wanted to learn what she's been taught. Speaking multi-dimensionally with so many pets and being the conduit between the pet and the guardian, we explore soul agreements that we have with our pets and the roles they play in our lives and our soul missions. She shares some of the biggest wisdom teachings that she's received from the pets that she's connected with so far.

Speaker 2:

It is such a wonderful episode and I was really inspired to share it this week because things are pretty heavy in the world at the moment. I always find that, no matter what's happening in our consensus reality, when I drop into nature especially when it's in the present moment with an animal or with my chickens or my cat bread, it's so healing and beautiful. They really teach us so much about what it is to live in the present and to be able to understand them on a deeper level is such an incredible gift, and that is a gift I wanted to share with you today. If you're feeling the heaviness that's existing in the world in the collective energetic field right now, you're not alone. There's some really heavy stuff happening right now, but take a moment to cherish the beautiful pets and animals in your life, even if they're just the birds and insects that visit your garden or the little spider that hangs out in your bathroom with you. Whichever creatures are around you in your little world, take a moment to be present with them, because they're such an amazing part of this incredible beautiful world that we live in. Such wonderful teachers. They hold so much wisdom.

Speaker 2:

This conversation is amazing. It's multi-dimensional. It really, while we don't talk about the subject of earth magic, it feels like the magic of earth is explored here and it's also quite cosmic. The way Colleen works is really unique and cool and interesting. So I really hope you enjoy this episode. If you would like to work with Colleen, she does talk towards the end of the episode about how you can connect with her, but of course, I'll pop all of those details into the show notes and enjoy the episode and receiving this beautiful animal wisdom. Colleen, thank you so much for joining me today on the initiates. Love me to be here. Thank you for inviting me. I'm so intrigued to speak with you today because you are, from what I understand, an animal communicator.

Speaker 1:

I am indeed yes, I'm very excited to tell you how that works too Awesome, I can't wait to explore that I have a deep connection with animals myself.

Speaker 2:

I've always been around cats Ever since I was a little girl. When I think back to my childhood and what I loved and my hobbies, there were just always kittens around and always kittens finding me. This relationship with cats has continued on to current day. I've got such a deep connection with my current kitty bread and it's expanded into me and my very late 30s moving from the city always been a city girl to a regional part of where I live in Australia with my partner to take over a farm. It was so new to us but I've learned so much on this journey working with cattle. I don't even like to call them cattle because that's a commodity term. They're beautiful cows, these gorgeous cows.

Speaker 2:

I've started to care for sheep recently, which has been such a journey. I've got some chickens as well. I've got a son of full house. I've become acquainted with birds through that. When I think of all of my best and greatest teachers in my life, animals are right up there. Their chickens have taught me a lot about birds and I have a very deep connection and love for birds. Now I'm wondering, colleen, could you tell me about how your connection with animals developed. Did it start in childhood for you?

Speaker 1:

I would love to say that it did. We often hear about stories with people who were able to talk to their childhood animal and they discovered that they could understand it. I don't have such a history. Mine happened purely by accident. I wasn't expecting it at all, I wasn't prepared for it. In fact, I didn't even know it existed. I also practiced Reiki and I was doing a distance Reiki session with this was only about four years ago with a cat in America. I was deep in the zone with this cat. All of a sudden, this really vivid picture of tall bay windows with these long mustard curtains and a window seat with a cushion really detailed popped into my head. It took me so much by surprise that I snapped out the zone, thinking, oh my gosh, had I nodded off to sleep? I thought perhaps I'd started to snooze. Nonetheless, when I reported back to the owner of the cat at the end of the session I'm really glad I did mention it, because I nearly didn't I said to her gosh, this really strange thing happened and I described what had appeared. She said oh my gosh, colleen, you've just described our lounge window and the window seat is where the cat likes to sleep. I was like what? What do you mean? She goes. Well, the mustard curtains. We have these long mustard curtains and that's the cat's favorite sleeping spot.

Speaker 1:

I remember being trying to be very professional and go, oh, it's okay. Well, no problem. Then I hope the cat's okay and disconnected from the call going what, what just happened? And I mean, I always jot down notes after recce sessions and I'm also glad I did that, because I fear if I hadn't have done that, I perhaps would have dismissed it. But something negaled.

Speaker 1:

And I remember going on to Google, thinking I was completely insane, and I just googled can animals talk to people? Thinking I was having like a mad moment. But sure enough, all this information came back about interspecies communication and I was like, oh my God, it's a thing, people can do it. And I just threw myself into websites, youtube channels, I bought books, I did reading, I listened, I subscribed to every single newsletter that I could possibly find and I just did as much self-study as I possibly could. And it was great, but there still wasn't a framework, if you like.

Speaker 1:

I had all the knowledge and I understood how it worked and I understood that it was possible and what you could do with it, but I didn't really know how to structure it and, as you know, I teach tarot as well and I was teaching a class and there was an Australian lady in the class and we always chat about hi, my name is blah blah and I come from here and this is why I want to learn tarot and she said she was a professional animal communicator. And I was like, oh my God, and you know how, there's always these signs from the universe, isn't there? And I just thought, well, this is it. For months, you know years even I'd been doing all this personal research and here there was this lady who was doing it professionally. So I did a course with her and she was the one who explained to me, who gave me the framework of how to prepare myself mentally before a session, how to actually visually connect with the animal and how to interpret the various ways that the messages came through. And from that I just did case studies friends, family, unsuspecting people I just did as many case studies as I could and when it became clear that, okay, this is actually working, this is a thing, I decided to go professional.

Speaker 1:

So so, yes, it was, it was purely accidental, but I'm very, very grateful because I'm yeah, it's, it's. It's such an incredible, such an incredible privilege. I still pinch myself. You know, every time I do a session, when you kind of get to the end of the session and you think, no, sometimes you get things come through and you just think, really, when I've learned that it's not up to me to understand what's coming through, I just have to relay that message back to the people and 10 times out of 10, the people go oh, my gosh. It's really funny that you should say that because. And then I think, oh, amazing, mind blowing, it really is mind blowing, wow.

Speaker 2:

That's so special because, as animal people, we often sit there, sometimes just wishing we could understand what our pets were trying to tell us. So just a rise for you. That's amazing. So yeah, did you ever have any kind of psychic abilities that you were aware of before that? Like you spoke about doing Reiki? So you're obviously a tune to energy, but what about, like that clairvoyance that that had appeared? Was that something new to you?

Speaker 1:

Totally new, natalie, totally new. Even the Reiki was purely accidental. I've had a very rigid religious background that didn't embrace spirituality, so none of this was really part of my growing up and eight, I've lost record. I'm eight. Eight or nine years ago now, before we came to France, we came here to visit my husband's mother who'd been living here for a while, and we were at a social function and I met a man who had spent a time with a shaman in his past Very interesting man, you know, one of those that you just want to sit for hours and talk to.

Speaker 1:

And we had this kind of joke. You know, he forgot my name and I was being playful. So I kind of put my hand out to shake his hand and I reintroduced myself. It was, it was kind of like a jokey thing. But as soon as he touched my hand he got all like serious and he goes you have healing hands, it's a gift, you mustn't waste it. And I was like my God, how much has this man had to drink? But of course it wasn't because I was dismissing it immediately. But somebody doesn't say something like that to you and you just forget it. And I remember going back to England and thinking healing hands, what's that all about? And of course I Googled that. Where would that be without Google? I Googled that and I got all the information about Reiki and I just thought, great, you know, let's do it. So that that was kind of the catalyst, but, but, but no, you know, prior to that nothing. Really, I guess it was my time.

Speaker 2:

And I love that you were so open to just exploring these hints from the universe. Some people would meet that shaman and just be like, well, I don't know what he's on. Like you said, he must want a lot to drink. My hands healing I'm not even on the healing, but you took this. When we're brave enough to explore, it's really cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah it was, it was amazing. I mean, the Reiki was. It was a fantastic start and even just the experiences that I had with that were were incredible. So yeah, but I guess that was the the starting point.

Speaker 2:

Really beautiful. So how is it that you connect with the animals or the animals connect with you?

Speaker 1:

Well, I would say, you see, it started to happen the other way around. But what I would say is I, I connect to the animal, I, I ask you always ask permission, because there's nothing worse than you're sitting at a cafe and someone just plonking themselves down at the table and start talking to you, right? So it's always customary to ask permission. So I guess I connect to the animal and then, once I get that permission and that's done purely on a, on an energetic basis, I kind of present the idea of of talking to the animal and them sharing things, and then I kind of weigh the energetic feel of a yes and, a way, the energetic feel of a no. I've only ever once had a no, and it's it was because it was an American, the dog was sleeping. It was really odd. I remember thinking, oh gosh, I wonder if it wasn't. It was like can you come back tomorrow please? I'm, I'm snoozing, so, thank you.

Speaker 1:

I've never had an animal which has, you know, refused to talk to me just out of no thanks, I'm not interested. They all are very, very happy to share. So I would connect to the animal and I do it via sort of a visualization. I do sort of lots of chakra balancing beforehand, make sure that I'm calm. I do lots of breathing exercises and then I have a visualization technique that I use and then I ask the animal to then, to then join me. So I guess I present myself as an open right. I'm here, ready, willing and able to chat if you're up for it, and then they just, they appear in my mind's eye and then I take it. I take it from me. I hope that I'm patient.

Speaker 2:

I think I was rambling a bit to the end, so so it's more of a clever way to think for you that you see or do you hear messages from them as well.

Speaker 1:

I get it in all shapes and forms. Initially, when I connect, it's always a clear point thing. I always the animal appears in my mind's eye and from that I can immediately understand what the animal's character is. So that's the first part of all my readings, is I say to the animal? Well, actually, the first part is I get kind of a general energetic feel about the animal and then the first thing I say is tell me about yourself. And I can see that from how they act in the photo or how they present themselves. Sometimes they're upright and the tail's going, sometimes they're lounging around, sometimes they write in my face.

Speaker 1:

But when I start asking them the questions, that will then change how I get the answers and I get them through all of the clays and some of those are really enjoyable and some of them not so much. So when I first started, for instance, I asked an animal if they could share with me what their food tasted like, because I was trying to establish whether they enjoyed their food Right. So I was like you know, do you enjoy your food? What does it taste like? So they showed me and I got the taste and I was like, ok, that was horrible, I won't do that again. So now I've had to change the way I asked the question. So I asked the question more like do you get a sense of enjoyment from eating that food? And then I kind of get that, you know, like a yes feeling or a no feeling, rather than getting the taste of dried beef, kibble or something.

Speaker 2:

Wow. So in your conversations with the animals or the pets, is it mostly driven by specific concerns that the I don't like to use the word owners, but the yeah, I know Do they come to you with specific concerns, that they have worries or curiosities about the animal, or is it more of an open invitation for the animal to tell you what they, what's happening with them?

Speaker 1:

It's a little bit of both. I think it's sometimes easier for the. I also struggle with the word owner, although it slips out out of habits. I tend to more use the term guardian, so I'll just say guardian, right? So sometimes the guardian will, will say, will come to me with specific, like you said, curiosities. You know, we've just moved house. You know, is the animal happier in the house? Are they OK with the garden? Do they need extra stimulation in the garden? Do they need more toys? You know, do they enjoy their food? Do they get on OK with the cat or the dog or the chickens or the sheep or whatever? So they are curiosities. Yes, Sometimes people struggle to come up with those questions and then I would kind of just ask a little bit about the animal, how it came to be with the people, the situation that they living in, and then from that I can say, right, OK, well, if it's a rescue animal, let's perhaps see if it's willing to share a little bit about its past and if that's a shefting, anything in its current life and how we can make its life more comfortable.

Speaker 1:

So we can ask it that and we can ask it perhaps if it feels, if it feels safe and if it's happy with everyone, you know. So I kind of help them compile the questions quite often, as we're doing now. As you're having a conversation, other questions will come through because you're having a conversation. If an animal presents something and I'm like, oh OK, that's interesting, you know what does that mean, or how do you feel about that, Then you know it's a conversation.

Speaker 1:

But saying that the end of every conversation I will always say to the animal is there anything you would like to say? Because I like to say it's a conversation, not an interrogation. So it's not like I arrive and, you know, ask them their questions and go right. Thanks very much. You know, if I go, I always give them a chance to to have their say at the end, and sometimes they do and sometimes they just, you know, they're just happy to have said their piece and you know they're happy to to end the session. At least they give them the chance to say what they needed to say.

Speaker 2:

Are they ever surprised that you're in their field or super excited to have a human to talk to?

Speaker 1:

I have had one or two animals that have kind of gone. Wait, what you know I do, I do. I mean I'm generally quite an exciting person anyway and I'm kind of conscious of that. So I do try to to calm myself a lot before I connect with an animal because I also don't know if some animals are completely comfortable with me being there. You know I've had animals that have gone. You know great to have been waiting for you all morning like they were expecting me somehow.

Speaker 1:

Others which are really excited and are like bouncing around because they've got so much to say that they're like right, colleen, you know, get your pen and pencil or any you know ready. But others I have connected to where I've literally had to sit with them for 15 minutes, even sometimes sharing a bit of Reiki, so that they just understand that I'm not there in a threatening way and I'm not there to interrogate them. I'm there to allow them, to give them a chance to speak. And generally you know that that works, because I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I would never force an animal to talk. You know, with rescues for instance, if people want to know about the animals past life, sometimes they'll, they'll give some information and then I'll just feel a really kind of rigidity, and then I would get back to the people and say, look, you know they've shared this about their past, but actually, you know, we don't always want to talk about our past when it's not great, right? So yeah, so we kind of leave it at that. It's a combination of both, and I think many of us have rescue animals and are aware often that they have traumatic backgrounds.

Speaker 2:

How do you understand that animals generally deal with trauma?

Speaker 1:

Each animal is different In my experience. So I've had some animals who and I guess it's the same with, with, with, with people, isn't it? I've had some animals who, who have really been affected by it and I can feel, even from the energy, that they feel. They feel fragile, you know, they feel hesitant and they feel almost skittish, but you can tell From the answers to the questions that you know that, as we go through the conversation, that what they're looking for is a sense of security and a sense of stability that will enable them to get that confidence back that they aren't going to be dumped or they aren't going to be hit or they aren't going to be abused or they aren't going to be, you know, shoved in a room with 50 other animals or whatever. And yet I have spoken to other animals who, you know, have shown me images of them, you know, running away from something and then spending time out in the wild and learning to survive by themselves, and how they went looking for people.

Speaker 1:

So it's a it's a very, very different scenario and I think I like it to people. You know, some people, two different people, can go through very similar situations but come out of it Differently. You know, some will come out stronger because they're I don't know, they're natural born fighters and they're like, yeah, we can do this and I've learned from my experiences. And others will come out, you know, bruised and will need much longer to develop a sense of security and trust again. So it's yeah, yeah, so they're all. Sometimes it's sad, they are, yeah, they are, and is that something you can feel?

Speaker 2:

You said that it's pretty much all about the fact that you're not going to be dumped. You said that it's pretty much all the senses, the clear senses. So one of the class senses is class entience, where we can actually feel the feelings.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, and that's you know, that's one of I don't want to say downsides to what I do, because obviously I think it's a very essential part of it. But when I first started, you know, when you're kind of new and enthusiastic and you're like, yeah, I can talk to animals, you know, and you kind of sit down and you're like, right, how does it feel? And then they show you and you go, oh, right, okay, you know, and I have had some animals and I could say you learn to phrase the questions, don't you? You learn to phrase the questions differently so that you're not then putting yourself in a position where the animal kind of goes. Well, you asked me what it felt like. You know, to have urine burns on my feet because I was kept in a cage for, you know, a year. But as a person, that's instinctively what you ask. Oh no, you know, how does how did that feel? And so you learn very quickly not to ask things like that.

Speaker 1:

You perhaps ask you know, do you, do you have anything left over from that that you're still struggling with? And then they'll go. Well, you're, my feet are sore. And then I say, okay, well, you know why are your feet sore, what is the problem with your feet? And they say, well, it's burning because I had no way to pee. And and then you, you, you get the question that sometimes you'll get the feeling from that. You'll get the you know the fear and the frustration, but sometimes you also get the physical. I get the physical sensation as well.

Speaker 1:

So if I ask an animal because I tend to also ask an animal if they're in any pain, so I do I do specify with my readings that I, that I'm not a vet, obviously, but I, if an animal is able to say that they're in pain, then at least I can get back to the person and say the animal is experiencing pain in their shoulder or their right hip or something, and it's a burning sensation or whatever. So, as one is the, the, the feelings, as in the emotions, I can also do physical sensations as well. And that's helpful because I can say to the person right, the animal has pain in their left shoulder, but it feels like a nervy sort of pain. It's got that kind of tingling, shooting sensation, or it feels muscular because it feels kind of stiff in in in this area rather than in the joint. So whilst I'm not diagnosing, I'm saying that the animal feels that sensation. So at least when they go to the vet they can say, right, okay, there's, it's like a burning sensation, and that sometimes enables them to to look at the specific treatment, if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, yeah, so that that also helps. Yeah, but I had one experience where I had to say to an animal okay, thank you very much for showing me. You can have that back now, because I was flipping, saw, yeah, shame, so yeah. But you know, from the animal's perspective, I think it's nice for them to be able to. Oh, finally, I can explain what this feels like. And you know the the person can stop rubbing my foot, because it's not my foot, that's the problem, it's you know the bits above the foot or something. So it's, it's, it's you know it does help in all of you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's so sad to think about the trauma that kind of imprints the animals, because generally they're so loving and so sweet. So let's change the subject and talk about the more fun aspects of your job.

Speaker 1:

What are?

Speaker 2:

the like bright and fun emotions that pets have.

Speaker 1:

Just trying to think of some examples. I had a. I had a fantastic chat with a. It was actually my best friend's cat, she was a case study for me before I went professional and she had me an asterisk, because I could absolutely picture this cat wearing a business suit, just like this, if you think about, like a very, very strict business woman, like a chief fixer, you know who's got no time, time wasters, and she's. She's there and you say what you have to say and she says what she has to say and then you know she moves on to the next thing she was hysterical to talk to because I I had experience of so many kind of, you know, loving, warm, gentle animals and all of a sudden there was this like right, what can I do for you? I was like, oh, okay, I'm well, you know my best friend. She's asked yes, yes, yes, I know all that. What are your questions? Oh, okay, I'm, I'm, you know, and it was so funny.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, when we got to the the, the one of the questions I think one of the questions my friend asked was what is there something that you don't like? So I immediately get this picture of a litter tray in my head. Now I know that she's a she's like an outdoor cat most of the time, so she doesn't actually have a litter tray. That got like a cat nap. So I remember thinking why she showed me this litter tray, you know? And eventually I say to okay, what is it with the litter tray, what is it that you're trying to show me? So all of a sudden I get the focus on the contents of this litter tray. Okay, there's this pile of stuff in the middle of this litter tray and I'm like, okay, so it's right. Okay, so what is it with the food? Anyway, so what it turned out to be was that she she was trying to explain to me. Well, I had to do this by really dissecting the conversation because she was so businesslike. She didn't actually come out with what she was trying to say. And what it was is that at night time, my best friend and her she has three dogs as well as this cat they all jump up onto the sofa and that's their special treat. They all jump up into the sofa and they have cuddle time. But the dogs had really bad wind and this cat would sit at the end of the sofa and all of a sudden she would jump up because the smell that would emanate from the dogs obviously smelled like poop. So she was telling me what she didn't like was poop and what I had to establish through some questions was it was the smell of poop that was coming from the dog's rear end which was actually breaking.

Speaker 1:

When it was historical, and because I've had such a such like a formal chat with her, like I'd been interviewed by a chief exec kind of feeling to experience, it was just, it was just so funny and you know, we got into the conversation and I would always say, you know, thank you very much for chatting. And she said you know, is that it? And I said, yes, you know, thank you very much, and conversation was gone, like she just give it. And that was her done. So they do come up with some very, very funny, funny stories and I had a one dog who told me that he he asked oh, lovely question that the person asked can you tell us something that you know that we don't? There's quite an intriguing question. And this dog told me that it buried their slippers in the garden and she was like, oh my God, what did we? The slippers were carrying, the dog was buried in the garden, it was just yeah, they are, they are they wonderful and they do come up with them, with wonderful.

Speaker 1:

you know wonderful things. There you go. There's a lot more to animals than meets the eye.

Speaker 2:

I mean I think we all I've had a number of cats, for instance, and they have all had such different personalities. But to think that you can burst with them in their personalities, shine through in that way, to the point that it can just be like alarming and comical for you, is so fun to think about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it really is, it really is and it and it's wonderful to you know, because I'm a cat person too, and it's wonderful when you connect to the animal. You never know. It's like meeting a new person, you know, you never know what it's going to be like and it's exciting because you, you, you, when you meet somebody for the first time and you get to know them and their view on life, you know it's interesting and it's intriguing and it's, it's fun and it's, it's stimulating and inspiring. And I always feel when I end the conversation that, you know, I just, I just feel like I've been uplifted in some way. It's like, oh my gosh, you know that that that creature over there, that little furball, has actually got an opinion, or that little furball absolutely is so mischievous, he knows exactly what he's doing, and it really is, it's really is wonderful, it really is.

Speaker 2:

They're such perceptive little creatures so I imagine they've got lots of opinions on what goes on in the household and things around food and that kind of thing. But what about stuff that's human, stuff, like TV shows or the stuff that they might absorb that we wouldn't think they understand? Have you been shown anything that you're? You were shocked that that the animal kind of understood and had an opinion about.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I can't think of anything offhand. I know that animals tend to label their people quite often, so I haven't haven't come across not TV shows or anything like that. I'm just trying to think if there is anything similar. But no, quite often if there's two people in the house just thinking of one animal in particular who refers to his two mums as the soft one in the stern one. But it was very quick to point out that they were equal, just different. It didn't mean that the soft one was better than the stern one. It's just he knew that he couldn't get away with. He couldn't get away with being naughty with the stern one, but he knew he could get a couple of treats and extra cuddles with the soft one. So yeah, but in answer to your question, none that I can think of right now.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's okay. It sounds like they're more concerned with what's going on in their sphere and they don't need all the extra pollution that we put into ours. Yeah, true, so how do pets see us then? I mean, you and I both expressed them discomfort in the word on that. We would much prefer to align with a term like guardian or or protector or something like that. I actually shared on one of my social media accounts this week this beautiful video I found that was talking about that in Hawaii. In their language, they don't call pets the pets aren't their possessions and they don't call them owner. They have a separate, unique word for that role, which was kaku, I think it was.

Speaker 1:

It's so funny. You should say that, Nelly, because I have just seen that exact same video this week and I actually saved a screen of it Beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I've been given a lot of insight into that role, especially with the sheep recently, because the sheep are such precious little gentle, delicate creatures and I really have started to understand why there's the role of the shepherd in relation to the sheep and that's been a beautiful kind of unraveling for me. But, like I can see you really related to that beautiful video too, that that's like a lost or a missing word from our language, that beautiful caretaker role in relation to an animal. How do the animals see us in regards to that kind of pet and owner relationship?

Speaker 1:

It's interesting, actually, because this has been a big thing on my LinkedIn. Just recently, I did a poll just to go back slightly to how how we call ourselves, before I go on to what animals call us, because I'm also intrigued by this. There's a very big move to move away from words such as owners, although I've used the word owner my entire life, not because I feel sort of any possessiveness over the animal, but just because it's habits. It's just what we boys call ourselves. But I did a poll with people asking what they call themselves. Do they call themselves master? Oh my gosh, some people did vote for that.

Speaker 1:

Owner, guardian and then other, and I invited them to comment in the comments with other terms and it was incredible. I mean I got loads and loads and loads of responses and it was absolutely beautiful how people viewed themselves to their animals. So, guardian came up a lot, mum and dad came up a lot, caretaker came up a lot. There was another one, cardiovascular coach, came up A lot, because this lady said, well, that's what my dog is. It forces me out every day to take it for a walk and make sure I get lots of exercise. I thought, oh, that's got a good point. But of course, the flip side to this is what our animals call us, and I was having a chat with someone the other day about this and how I was going to. That was going to be kind of the next poll that I put out, because animals, it really depends on the relationship that they have with the people and what that person has provided for them. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So an animal has referred to its person as its rescuer because the person did rescue it from a pretty dire situation. They I'm just trying to think there was one the other day that there was the soft one and the stern one, but they were a couple. I just can't think of it now. There was one the other day that I remember thinking, oh gosh, that's a bit unusual. Oh, there was one that there was a I can't remember enough.

Speaker 1:

It was a cat or a dog that referred to its person as its light. Oh, which was, yeah, which was really lovely, really lovely. But I mean, this animal had had quite, a, quite a tough background and this person they just felt like this person just provided it with with lightness, so as a light, energetic feel. So lightness so that it didn't didn't feel so heavily burdened by what it had gone through, but also light, as in torch, light as in showing the way. So that was actually, that was actually quite lovely and actually, and so many people have been asking about this that I I'm wondering if I should include it, because I have a couple of set questions that I ask in addition to what people ask, and I thought maybe it might be quite nice to to ask this now as a question with people you know, to the animal, what, what term would you use to describe your person, because I think it would be quite interesting to see what different animals they're doing.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that would be so beautiful. I almost warned you that I'll probably cry when talking to you, but I didn't. I'm like, no, I won't, but I'm already, I'm already going. So how, how do how do our pets communicate with us? Do they ever express frustration that they're trying to do that and we don't get it? How? How do they try to communicate with us?

Speaker 1:

It's funny, you should say that actually because somebody, somebody, I'm doing a like an interview on a on a blog and that's one of the questions that the person asked yesterday as well about that was do animals ever try to speak to their people, and are they frustrated because they can't? They're never frustrated. I never. I never get a. I'm hesitating there because I have sometimes. I was going to say I never really get a negative emotion, not a negative emotion in that way, but frustration, not an angry frustration, but more frustration, as. Let me give you an example and then it'll make sense.

Speaker 1:

So I spoke to a, I spoke to a horse and owned, owned by a lady, and this lady had quite low self-esteem and this horse, the frustration that the horse was feeling was that he could see in her what she was and what she was capable of, but she couldn't. And his frustration was from a position of love, because it was almost like he was saying to her you are so beautiful inside and you have so much to give, but you just can't see it. And he gave me this long spiel to to relay back to her, which of course, had her influx of tears because she, she could relate to where it was coming from. I had no idea until the horse, you know, gave me this message. So that frustration was coming purely from a position of of love, in that he, he wanted her to know who was, but she couldn't see it. So we had quite an emotional moment when we were doing the feedback from the session, as I was kind of reading out not knowing the background, obviously reading out what the horse was saying.

Speaker 1:

She was influx of tears, and it just goes to show, though, that the animals have a much deeper knowledge and understanding of us than perhaps even we do. So the frustration of not being able to communicate from animals comes comes from from that rather than from a oh. So, heaven's sake, you know my person's not. You know, I keep, I keep doing XYZ and they still don't give me treats. It's often a lot. It's often a lot deeper than than we think. They know us better than we think they do.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that is so beautiful. I cried again. Oh sorry, nedley. No, no, that's why I'm here to speak to you, because I love this. It's beautiful, they see us on that soul level and that's just. I think that's one of the reasons they're here right Like, do you have, after all this work that you've done with animals and being that conduit between the pet and the person, do you have a kind of sense of your own understanding of what, why animals are here, what role they play on this planet and especially in relation to humans?

Speaker 1:

Yes, I get. I get kind of two, two groups, if you like, one group which have a very, very deeply spiritual guiding aspect to them. I mean I have had profound conversations with animals where I kind of think, my God, you know, this is amazing animals that have. I mean, I spoke to an animal that chose to pass away just before the lady had a baby so that he could come back in spirit form when the lady had had the baby, because he felt he was better able to be of use as an animal guide to her than he was as a physical cat in a household with a young baby. I mean that is mind blowing, that is absolutely mind blowing. I mean it is one of those where you're kind of writing it and you're thinking, no man, this can't be, this can't be. But there were all the signs, all the messages that he was giving me through this reading, plus all the signs that she was getting on her side which she hadn't mentioned to me yet, and so we, we had the feedback. I mean that is, that's insane. I mean you know, it's one of those readings where you kind of sit and you go, wow, and you have, I do. I do get a few of those which which are incredible and mind blowing and incredibly moving.

Speaker 1:

I have a lot of animals that are there to help their people learn how to give and receive love, so there's a lot of that. So people aren't comfortable perhaps receiving love, but they're okay with accepting head butts from a cat and, you know, over time they learn to accept that actually, if a cat can love me and head butts me, I am worthy of love. And then they learn to become more open to love from people. And so you might think, oh gosh, you know, okay, head butts from a cat is a very small thing, but to some people it's part of a much longer journey of learning to accept love on a on a on a physical level. And then you have other animals which aren't there to teach their people anything, but are there to learn from their people and they are learning to trust or they are learning to become confident in their ability to be worthy of love, or they are learning to, you know, accept themselves as something that is that is valuable.

Speaker 1:

So I think there was three groups. I said there were two, I lied, they're three. Yeah, and you know they all have their own kind of categories, if you like. There's the the hugely profound, the some that are just just teaching their people about, about something, and others which are there to learn, to learn their own, their own lessons really. And of course, sometimes I get, I get taught lessons too. So I I was chatting to a beautiful elderly Labrador and because I'd had it was also early days and because I'd had a few, you know, profound readings, you get lulled into this, this feeling that, oh gosh, you know every animal communication session is going to be profound and wow, animals are all mind-blowing and and they are. But what I got taught in that lesson was that they're mind-blowing on different levels.

Speaker 1:

So, when I sat talking to this Labrador, I was all sort of geared up for, wow, you know, golden Labrador, we all know the Labrador's are the, you know, the golden dog, and you know, wow, this is going to be amazing. And I got ready to to take down this mind-blowing reading and this Labrador told me that its whole purpose in life was to love its guardian to its absolute core of its heart. I know, I know, even when I say now I just think my gosh, colleen, why didn't you stop on your tracks? But I was like yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. And because I was expecting this reading to be profound and I naively wanted it to be profound and that wasn't profound enough for me, and in my mind I, this Labrador, kind of cocked her head and looked at me and said that's it. And I was like no, no, no, they can't be it. The person's paying for this reading. You know, it has to be more than that.

Speaker 1:

I mean, obviously, yes, we'd answered all the questions that they wanted to ask, but I wanted something mind-blowing. I said there has to be more, there has to be more. They can't be it. And she just said why? Why isn't that enough? Why isn't it enough that my person is my whole world and that I love that person to the heart of my being. Why isn't that enough?

Speaker 1:

And it kind of hit me and I was like, oh God, I'm being chased by a dog, and rightly so, because it was like, why have I decided that that isn't valuable enough? And that's when I kind of realized that everything that an animal gives me is absolutely valuable in their eyes. Absolutely valuable. I can't decide, oh gosh, just because you've come back as an animal guide means you're better than just loving your person. Oh, terrible. So I squirmed so much in my seat and thank goodness for the gentleness of Labrador's because she sat there and she just let me squirm but I felt sufficiently embarrassed enough to apologize and say, yeah, okay, I'm sorry, I hadn't you know. And she was like you know, it's okay, but I'd learnt my lesson. And now I go in a little bit more humble.

Speaker 2:

We can never have enough humility, and I think animals do bring that out of us, which is so beautiful.

Speaker 1:

And they bring it out of us in such a gentle way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, do you think that? Because I refer to my cat, brad, as my soulmate? We have been through so much together and he I can't describe what a beautiful companion he is, and even through the most kind of tumultuous times of my more recent journey, he's always just stayed so calm and so it's just this grounded force. So I, yeah, I feel like, um, and I kind of believe in the idea of soul agreements, that all the people and animals, for that matter, who are important to us, um, we kind of know we're going to encounter them when we incarnate here. But is that something that you believe in, or that you've gained insight into the kind of soul evolution of our pets and if we're, if we're kind of destined to connect with them on the earthly plane?

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely Absolutely. I've, when I've spoken to animals, particularly the ones where so I I believe, and I've come across in my readings, that animals have multiple, multiple lifetimes and the animals that have had multiple lifetimes are the ones that come with the, with the profound wisdom, because obviously they have all those lifetimes of wisdom and experience to tap into. And those specific animals are aware of those lifetimes and they are aware of what they've learned in those lifetimes and they and they share those messages. And it's quite often those animals that come through and say that they were with that person in a previous lifetime, maybe not as a cat, maybe your cat was with you in another lifetime, but you were a man and it was a dog.

Speaker 1:

It comes in a different form but because you have that bond, you have that link, somehow in each lifetime you will find each other in a different way because for some reason you were bonded and you're bonded for a reason and, like you say, a soul agreement. I like, I like that term. I haven't actually come across that term. I've come across soul mates and and those, but I like, I like that term. So, soul agreement, and you know, you have animals that sometimes I have animals, when I've spoken to them that have passed or are preparing to pass, hint at the fact that they will come back, and they will come back as something to either continue their relationship with the person in this lifetime or that they will come back in a in a later lifetime. And I think that just shows that that they're not just a person, they're that there is, there is some sort of link. We might not know the reason for that link, other than it's there and that's pretty damn fine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely One thing that I've wondered about bread. So my journey with bread. Here's a little Selkirk rec recs cap that I rescued from a pretty shabby breeder who you know the threats they do, that if you don't take them that day that they're going to put them down and all sorts of nasty stuff. Yeah, I saw a picture of him and he didn't really have a name or anything like that. He was just kind of used for breeding and he didn't have the right kind of appearance or structure so he was kind of useless to them.

Speaker 2:

And I just saw a picture of him and I'm like, no matter what happens, I'm going to take him from this lady because he's not supposed to be there and even if I'm not his person, I'll find the person who is. And it turns out I was his person. So I was pretty happy about that. But he's had lots of health issues. So he always and I think the reader knew that he had a heart defect for instance and didn't want to deal with that because she didn't tell me about it when she gave him to me but pretty soon after I got him he had heart failure and had essentially a heart attack and I happened to just be late for work that morning and was there watching what happened and was there to take him to the room.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's happened to be late for work. Isn't it Funny how the verse works.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it absolutely is, and he managed to live through that. We got him on the correct medication, but a couple of years ago I think it was just before COVID so lucky it happened just before COVID that he ended up having. You know, his heart issues are kind of managed and he's doing pretty well with those at that point. But he had this growth in his chest and we were kind of given the option Look, this is going to be an expensive procedure, there's no guarantee that he's going to survive it. It's up to you what we do and you know it was.

Speaker 2:

Thankfully we did decide to go through with the procedure and it went so smoothly and this growth that was in his chest cavity came out just like this beautiful, easy, smooth capsule. It was incredible how it was described and, interestingly, when that was happening, the nicest place for us to go while the operation was happening was this convent, an old convent that has like cafes and stuff now in a garden. But yeah, my partner and I went to the convent and sat in the convent grounds doing meditation and he was doing these visualizations of this capsule in his chest just being elevated like with kind of the hand of God pulled out gently and everything going smoothly. And it's exactly what happened.

Speaker 2:

But the recovery was quite difficult. He had a tube, a feeding tube, and it was obviously very painful, yeah, and it lasted a number of weeks his healing journey and obviously I've always wondered you know, I hope he understands that we're doing this for his greatest good. You know that we're not wanting to torture him with this pain. Do the pets know when they have to go through something like a vet procedure or a surgery and there's this, you know, pain involved in this recovery. That's difficult. Do they understand that we're doing it for their good?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, they do Absolutely. When you were saying about him having the recovery, you know, with the feeding tube, all that I was getting from that was an incredible feeling of love, and I think what happens is, when you're caring for an animal, the energy and the vibes that you are giving off are all about love. They're all about love and care and concern, and those vibes can be felt by the animals. So the animal knows that what they're going through is because you love and you care for them, because they can feel it coming off you. Conversely, when you're anxious and upset and angry, they can also feel those, which is why animals tend to hide. If people are having an argument, or it's not so much the noise is just because the vibes are coming off. So, yes, absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

What I try to do for people who have animals that are going in for vet appointments or for treatments or operations is I connect with the animal beforehand and I explain to them in the visual terms, and so I'll get the deal from the people. Okay, what's going to happen, you know? Will they get put in a cat carrier? They'll get put in a car? They get taken to the vet. This is the procedure They'll be in the vet for two nights with recovery, you know, in your cat's case with a feeding tube. So then I would connect with the animal and I would explain and I would visualize, but the whole time I would visualize the people alongside it, you know, having this love and this concern and perhaps sort of cradling the animal you know, close to them to show that they have love and concern. And then I would explain as much as I could anyway that, yes, you know you will be given a liquid, you will get sleepy, you will wake up, you will feel pain, but it's okay, it's all part of the journey, it will get better. Your people will come and collect you or be at home. You will feel uncomfortable, you will have a feeding tube here, here and here or whatever, but it's okay, you're safe, you're loved, you will be cared for.

Speaker 1:

And you know, quite often when people go through something scary, it's often the surprise of it and the not knowing what's going to happen that fills us with fear. I don't know about you. Like I go to the dentist, I always say to the dentist tell me what's going to happen before you do it, so that I can prepare myself. And it's the same with animals. So a combination of them knowing what's going to happen with the vet appointment, alongside with knowing and feeling that care and the love that's coming energetically off their people, that sometimes can provide a more comfortable experience for the animal. I mean, obviously I can't take the pain away. I'd love to be able to take the pain away, but you know we can't do everything.

Speaker 1:

But yes, in answer to your question, they absolutely can feel it. Yes, yes, and it does make a difference to them. It does make a difference to them, just on a flip side as well. You might be coming to this, I don't know, but when animals are about to pass, quite often I get requests from them. You know, because I'm part of what I do is offer services to animals that are about to pass so that I can, you know, relay messages in that last minute for people before the animal passes or gets put to sleep, and one of the things that I request is for their people to be there, to people to be there, to be holding them, supporting them, so that they can feel that love energetically from that people. So I think that's also an answer to your question that they absolutely can, even though people are grieving and obviously very distressed. In that moment, they can still feel the love and they quite often ask for it specifically yeah, oh, that's so. I don't know if you might get into that later, but that's a whole nother ball.

Speaker 2:

I have been in that position with some of my animals. I've had a cat be euthanized in my arms, my cat that I had for quite a long time, and even a chicken recently that wasn't doing well. We had to take her in and you know, we didn't have a bond like I did with my cat of, you know, seven years, but I thought it was a very important job for me to sit there and soothe her. Well, you know, that process was taking place. I think it's an important role of being that kahoo, that we're there to give them that comfort and be present with them at that time, because they give us so much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's very, very true. In that moment you were giving them the value on you and yeah, it is. Yeah, it's hard and I know not everybody's comfortable with it. So it's not a criticism for those who can't be with the animals and I do know some people have chosen not to be and I imagine that's a very difficult choice. But, yeah, the animals that I've spoken to in my experience have asked for their people to be with them and in those cases the people have managed to do it. So you know it's worked out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm going to ask a difficult question now. We find it easier, I think a lot of the time, and also probably more humane, to euthanize our pets when we obviously know there's something wrong that they might be suffering. How do the pets feel about that?

Speaker 1:

Curiously, the message I get most often is that they trust that the people will make the right decision when it is required. I've never had experience of an animal going oh, I could have lost it another three days. I think that they know that people will always well, they know that caring owners because it's not like a huge generalization, but caring owners always make the right decision for their pet, for their animal, in that moment. Yes, it's sometimes a question I'm just trying to think of. I had recently where the people were thinking about putting their animal down and this was quite mind-blowing. They were thinking about putting the animal down because the animal had deteriorated to such an extent. The animal was like no, and I was like what? The animal was like no, no, no, I'm not ready to go yet when I can't do, and then proceeded to list me two or three things that they would not be able to do and when that happened then they would be ready. Literally, this was a Saturday and the people had contacted me to do an emergency reading for the animal because the vet was coming out on a Sunday to put the animal to sleep. I got back to the people and I was like your dog's not ready. They were like what? I was like he's not ready, he's not ready, he's told me he's not ready. They were like no, no, no, but the vet's coming tomorrow. I was like, please, don't put your dog to sleep because he's not ready. You're in that moment where you're thinking, oh my God, oh my God. Thankfully, when they read the whole reading through, they thought okay, well, at the moment he can do those XYZ things that he listed. Just give them the benefits of the doubt and not put him to sleep and wait until he can't do those things. I'm very pleased to say that was March and it's now June and he's still going. That's right. That's right. Yeah, sometimes they know this particular dog was very, very confident. Yes, he was ill, don't get me wrong. He's not running around like a puppy now he is struggling and he is deteriorating. But very often other animals are very much of yes, I'm ready. Then they will specify actually I'd rather prefer to die at home or I'd prefer to die at home in your arms. One animal was very specific that he wanted both his people touching him at that moment. Other animals are very much like no, no, no, actually I would like help. I'm happy when you think the time is right for you to make that decision.

Speaker 1:

For me, hugely emotional readings, those are hugely emotional because animals speak very, very, I want to say, matter of factly. But it's a little bit gentler than that. We have so much baggage and emotion attached to death, don't we? Because there's so much of the material and physical world that we are connected with and yet animals, even though they have the emotional link to the people that they've built bonds with, they're very much like. Well, this is just the next step and I'm ready for it. That can be quite difficult to deal with, because you're like, but you got to die. They're like, yeah, yeah, but so are you. It's like speaking to a higher being who understands a much bigger picture than perhaps we do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's so beautiful. You reflected on what it feels like for you that they're highly emotional, I guess for everyone involved, because you know just hearing about it third hand. I don't know the animals or the pet parents, but it's making me emotional. What kind of told us that take on you? Or how do you process and integrate the information you get from the animals?

Speaker 1:

When I first started professionally, I always throw myself very enthusiastic into everything I do and that worked for all my previous jobs. I have to trade. I'm learning. I am learning to trade very carefully with this because, being an energy work, I hadn't fully appreciated really just how much I need to look after myself in between readings.

Speaker 1:

When I started professionally I was like, right, I could probably squeeze in four or five readings a day and the analytical side of me is going great, I can help all these people and it's going to be amazing and I can bring comfort there and that animal can be heard. Yes, I relish that, but it just is not possible. I will do three readings a day if there's an emergency and I will make time for it. I have an emergency this afternoon that I'm having to do a reading for, but other than that I will do two a day max because I have to prepare myself energetically and also protect myself energetically, because as much as I like to relate to the animal and be open to what it's feeling, I can't put myself through that day and day out because, whew, it's exhausting. I have to be very strict about having that downtime and coming out of the readings and disconnecting and the energy cleansing that I have to go through after that.

Speaker 1:

Also, I did get asked the other day what happens, what do you do when an animal client dies? Because obviously I'm speaking to animals that are about to transition, and then I'm in contact with the people and they let me know. I always do a little ritual for them, I always light a candle and I put some crystals out and I wish them a safe journey and nine times out of ten I cry because the souls passed. Of course that is hard. It is hard, but I would much rather be that person than a person that goes right. Good, I booked another client and I've made another buck, because that's all this is about. So I think I would rather keep it smaller and more personal and just try to be more disciplined about looking after myself energetically.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure all the animals and people that work with you appreciate that about you too and that they value that over another communicator or channel or conduit who might be all about the money. Yeah, yeah, I would hope so. I have a few more questions before we finish up that I'm just re-estimating. So I, being on the farm, I see differences in the different species of animal, and I've heard you talk about cats, about dogs, about horses. Are there any things that stand out about each of those species that is kind of common to them?

Speaker 1:

No, you know, and this is also something that the lady who I'm asking questions for her blog post, fynian, I've also asked that same question Did I notice any differences between species? And I really wanted to say yes. I can remember being really excited to talk to my first horse, you know, because horses are magical creatures, and I spoke to so many dogs and so many cats and I said, oh, you know a horse. This is amazing. And, to be fair, that first horse that I spoke to, he was quite a. It was actually a horse in spirit and he was quite a character. But when I spoke to the next horse after that, I realized that that first horse wasn't symbolic of what horses are like in general, it was just his character.

Speaker 1:

So so far, for me, I haven't noticed that, oh gosh, that's a very specific cat feel or that's a very specific dog feel. For me, they're all animals and it's their personalities that jump out, I guess, much like people, you can have sort of American people, european people, chinese people. They're all people but they have their differences, you know, depending on their, their cultures and their uprings. And it's the same with animals. You know, I've spoken to some cats which are very laid back and very chilled, or I've spoken to, like the business lady cats. It's the same with dogs. I've spoken to some that you know, 16 years old, which come across like puppies and the reading, and I've spoken to the Labrador, who was very gentle with justizing me. So you know it's.

Speaker 1:

There's a whole host of differences, but I haven't noticed specific species characteristics. They're saying that I've not. I've not spoken to sheep or cows yet, although although I know we do have cows in the field next to us here in rural France and I often, I often go and speak to them, but that's more of that, you know over the fence, kind of checking in on them and seeing how they're going. I have spoken to a bunny, but yeah, I mean I'd love to, I'd love to experience more species, because I'm curious whether domesticated animals have a different feel to, perhaps, wild animals. So I know we do. We do get a few wild animals here, but I would like to be able to position myself somewhere where I'm not scaring them and they're not scaring me, where I can say hi, my name's Connean, I'm an animal communicator, do you fancy a chat? Yeah for taking it to that next level of Dr Doolittle Community.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like that. I can give you some insight into the cows. They're unique because I watch them communicate with each other and they seem very telepathic. They don't know at each other very much, but I watch them and I have had some instances where it's usually I'm concerned about where one of them might be because a sheep is missing. So I've got like seven mostly mini sheep. So they're not huge big beasts, but they've all got their different personalities and something that's common with all of them.

Speaker 2:

A few of them in particular, I think, have an energy that's perhaps more closer in vibrational resonance to mind, perhaps that I'm able to kind of connect with a bit more deeply. But yeah, when I've been worried about a particular cow, I'll ask one of the ones that I feel connected to where is the cow, wally? I'd be like where's Wally? Show me Wally and I'll watch them with their heads interacting with each other, and then a few minutes later, wally appears out of behind a building. That's amazing, yeah, and I will be doing that in my head. I won't be even talking, I'll be projecting images to them through my own mind's eye and seeing how they respond, and it's not something I rely on or can do like every time I'm with them, but I've definitely had that experience and have really do feel like I observe often their communication, their telepathic communication with each other.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's brilliant. I mean, that's exactly how you would do it. Exactly how you would do it. But it's interesting to watch their reaction Because you know, the majority of the work that I do is done using a photograph online, so I don't I'm not interacting with the animal. So it's interesting hearing you say you know you're there with the cows and obviously you can actually see how they're now interacting with each other after you've presented that image to them. That's fascinating. I love that. I'm going to go and look for the cows in the fields this afternoon.

Speaker 2:

I love that. Another trick with them. They often really like when you sing to them. So, yeah, really, yeah, yeah, see how they respond.

Speaker 1:

That's lovely Yep. Oh my gosh, I hope no one jumps past the house today. There's going to be that bad English. Ladies to get to the cows in the field next door.

Speaker 2:

I love to hear what comes of your you know connection with the cows. I'm also interested in that and that was a question for me about, like you, connecting with wild animals and if animals ever just come up to you and seek out connection with you.

Speaker 1:

No, but you know how I said earlier on, when you asked me if, if, if I connected to the animal, the animal connects to me, and I said, well, one's happening a bit more recently. So what used to happen is that I would make that, that, you know, I had the framework of connecting to the animal. And what's happening now, recently and perhaps it's coming because obviously the more I do this, my energetic links, my intuition, becomes stronger I'm now having it like this afternoon when I'm wanting to talk to this particular cat. I was thinking about it this morning, going, oh gosh, yeah, I'm going to connect to that cat. And I got something immediately from the cat and I remember thinking, oh gosh, that's.

Speaker 1:

You know, that's unusual because normally I would have like this formal process, if you like, of connecting to the animal. So it's interesting now that the animal, perhaps because I've connected with it prior, it feels like it, it can, it can do that. But yeah, I think, maybe with the cows, I might, I might sort of go approach the field and kind of just sit there, sit there with that energetic receptor feeling and just see if, perhaps, if they, if they connect with me. You know, if they go, hi, are you going to speak to us?

Speaker 2:

I hope they do and I'd love to hear about it when you do that.

Speaker 1:

I would. My husband's going to love that. He loves what I do. He's very supportive and I'm going to go downstairs and say I'm going to go, I'm off to sing with the cows, he's going to be like okay, that's beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I've so enjoyed this chat, colleen. I've just got one more question for you before we finish up. Is there something that the pets collectively or wish that we all knew? You spoke about some of that deep wisdom that's been shared with you so far, but is there any like big lesson or common theme that they wish humans in general understood?

Speaker 1:

No, I mean, there's this common, seems, about what makes them happy, which are things like a feeling of safety and security and not Not being in an environment that surprises them, so in other words, being in an environment that they're able to trust. You know where, they know where things are and what's happening. I know, I can certainly say that animals trust us more than we also give them credit for, because they understand us on a much deeper level than we realize, and I think that animals also love us on a much deeper level. You know we love animals and express love to animals much like we do to people, you know, by telling them we love them, and you know stroking them or patting them on the head or whatever Not that I do that with my husband, you know, but you know what I mean, though you know the way that people show love is very similar to animals as to people, as animals as to people, but the love that animals have for us is on such a deep level, it's not just a superficial great.

Speaker 1:

I get treats, they give me a warm bed, the stroke, we pat me on the head. They love us on an energetic level, and that comes across with how they describe the love, how they describe the links that they have with people, how they view people, what they see around people, and I think that if we, if we allowed ourselves to be more open to that and more understanding and receptive of the type of love that animals have to give to us, I really think that we could learn a lot. We could learn a lot about ourselves, our hearts and certainly our spirits, on a much deeper level. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And is there anything that people with pets listening right now should go and do after they have stopped crying? Well, I'm like, is there something they can do that with their pets like right now? That would just make their pets really happy?

Speaker 1:

I would say when you express love for your animal, don't just say it. Imagine your whole body and all your senses feeling that love. Because, bearing in mind, animals will are receptive to all those different energy levels. So when you tell your animal you love it, feel it in your heart, experience it in your whole body. In that moment when you're expressing love, how does your whole body feel? And immerse yourself in that?

Speaker 1:

When you tell your animal you love it, because that animal will feel that and that will it will feel different to hey spot, mommy loves you lots, alright. So when you're just expressing the words, compared to when you're feeling it with your whole body and really connect with the animal on all those levels, and you will notice a difference because the animal won't be just like receiving it on a vocal basis with the energy it will be receiving the whole package and it will be a much deeper way. And then judge the animal's reaction. You know it might kind of look, it might kind of act differently to what it usually does, but that's because it's going to pick up a change and just see how you go with that. But they'll notice the difference. That is like being hugged in a tickly.

Speaker 2:

That is so beautiful. We're giving them like a full body, a full auric body, hug.

Speaker 1:

And that's exactly right. Yeah, how great right that's precious.

Speaker 2:

That is so cool. Thank you, Colleen. Now, before we finish up, if you could, I'm sure everyone listening with a pet will want to work with you If you could tell us about the services you provide and how we can get in contact with you. Okie dokie.

Speaker 1:

Well, I have a website it's wwwauthenticpathwaysnet, and I offer packages depending on what it is that you want to know and also how many animals you have. So I do have an individual session as well, obviously. But I find that sometimes people with you know two animals say oh, do you just discount if you've got two animals, rather than the buy two individual sessions? So I introduced packages so there's a two pack, a three pack and a four pack and these packages also help when we are trying to understand or perhaps tweak a behavior of an animal. Sometimes it's helpful to have multiple sessions, so one where we listen to the animal and its concerns and its fears, and then another one where we present, you know, alternative ideas of how it you know, how it needs to behave and what behavior is acceptable, etc. Etc. And then how we can check on it at a later stage, or perhaps checking with an animal before it goes to the vet and then checking in with it afterwards, you know. So the packages are there to allow for those types of things.

Speaker 1:

Email address is Colleen at AuthenticPathwaysnet, and my social media of choice really is LinkedIn. I'm very active on LinkedIn, but it is Colleen Kersi, but I'm also available on Facebook. So Colleen Kersi on Facebook and I'm always up for chatting about animals.

Speaker 2:

Oh, colleen, I've watched some of the videos you've shared on Facebook and they're fantastic For those who are on Facebook and LinkedIn. I definitely encourage you to follow Colleen, because the animal wisdom you share, those little kind of bite sized sharing, are so amazing.

Speaker 1:

Oh, brilliant. I'm glad you're enjoying them.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you so much for your time. It's been an absolute pleasure to speak with you and I'm so glad that the animals have you on their team.

Speaker 1:

You're very welcome and thank you. Thank you for your kind words, natalie. Thank you, it's been great, it's been good fun.

Speaker 2:

How amazing was that I had such a good time chatting with Colleen and my mind was blown more than once in that conversation by the profound wisdom that these beautiful little creatures hold. I hope that you enjoyed this chat and I'm sorry if you needed the tissues during it. You probably heard me sniffling a bit in the conversation because I'm someone who is deeply touched by anything to do with the rainbow bridge and just the sweet nature of our pets in general. It doesn't take much to get the tears flowing and I did try to put a little disclaimer in the intro about that. However, the words didn't come and I think it was because some of us might have needed a bit of a cry. I know when I was editing the episode it felt quite cathartic to have some release, and that's just another beautiful gift that Colleen has been able to share with us from the animals. They definitely know what we need in any given moment, and anyone with a cat, or a dog for that matter, will understand what I'm talking about, because in those moments when we really seek in comfort, we can always count on our beautiful pets. They're always there for us and they teach us so much about unconditional love. That beautiful Labrador and its unconditional love was just so touching. So I hope that you enjoyed that as much as I did.

Speaker 2:

And check out Colleen Definitely follow her on Facebook and LinkedIn. I'll be back soon with some more interviews. I've got a few lined up for you, so stay tuned for the next episode. Until then, connect with me on Instagram at theInitiates Podcast or via my website, theinitiatespodcastcom. Until next time, friends, I wish you peace, I wish you beautiful, unconditional love and I wish you the cutest puppy and kitty cuddles. Bye, bye, my friends. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.

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