The Initiates
The Initiates Podcast is an exploration of spirituality, mysticism and awakening. Join your host and guide Natalie Grace for spiritual deep dives, intuitive guidance and channeled wisdom teachings, plus conversations with others on the spiritual path.
36 episodes
Sisterhood, Women's Spaces and Manifesting Miracles
Join Natalie as she shares her recent experience at the Bohemian Summer Festival, and what it taught her about the divinity of women and women's spaces. She also explores the archetype of the Goddess, and the parallels between mythical Goddess ...
Episode 35

Welcome to the Energy of 2024 - Cleansing, Illumination, Sovereignty + Advancement
Welcome to a powerful initiation into the energies that will shape our journey in 2024! Join host Natalie Grace in the first episode of the year as she shares the cosmic guidance that will illuminate our paths in the coming months.In...
Episode 34

Animal Communication with Colleen Kersey
Today I speak with Colleen Kersey, who shares her incredible gift of animal communication, and some profound wisdom that she's received from the beloved pets she's connected with. Here, Colleen shares the journey of discovering her gift...
Episode 33

Exploring the Sacred: Discover Your Soul Mission through Sacred Ceremony
Ever felt the urge to delve deeper into your spiritual journey but didn't know how? Sacred Ceremony is the answer. I'm excited to unveil this online community crafted with care, providing teachings, tools, and resources to aid you on your spiri...
Episode 32

The Path of Light
Have you noticed the energy feeling a little bit heavier recently? I have. Wanting to learn more about this shift, I sat at my altar. Feeling deeply into this energy, I was hit with a super potent message from my guides. And they asked me...
Episode 31

The Portal is Infinite: Reflections on the Lion's Gate and Portals of Transcendence
Join me for an Akashic transmission, as we integrate the energies of the 8/8 portal, and reflect on the symbolic meaning of the Lion's Gate. In this episode, I explore the connection between the fixed star Sirius and the sun, as they in...
Episode 30

Life is Magical - Cacao Medicine, Shifting Timelines and Healing my Inner Child
This episode is a deep well of wisdom from my journey through Cancer season and my training as a ceremonial spaceholder, working with physical elements, and Mama Gaia and her guardians. This episode is an honest sharing of breakthroughs, epipha...
Episode 29

Navigating the Subconscious: Astrology, Hypnosis, and Mysticism with Evelyn Zuel
Have you ever wondered how astrology and hypnosis can help you on your personal journey of self-discovery? Join me as I chat with Evelyn Zuel, a talented writer, astrologer, and hypnotist, to unlock the secrets of the cosmos and the powers of t...
Episode 28

Breaking Free from the Victim Mindset: Empowerment, Healing, and Identity
Is society encouraging us to adopt the identity of victim? In this episode, I explore the archetype of the victim, the pathology of victim mindset, and the many ways we choose to play victim in our relationships, work and every day lives for a ...
Episode 27

Spiritual Awakening Narratives (Grounding Into 3D - Part 2)
Join Natalie as she explores her spiritual belief system, and asks some hard questions about awakening narratives. For me, one of the best parts of the spiritual awakening journey is the curiosity it sparks. We want to learn as...
Episode 26

Grounding Into 3D (Part 1)
Join Natalie as explores a new connection with her material reality. Nature has been speaking to me recently, and this week, the messages have been coming through the physical realm in the most beautiful and profound ways...
Episode 25

Dancing with Time - Equinox Wisdom
Join Natalie as she shares a channelled message for the recent Equinox. Earlier this week, as I sat under the stars, witnessing the energy of the Equinox, I felt the urge to get out my Tarot cards and journal to receive a...
Episode 24

Overcoming Apathy
Join Natalie as she explores the energetic axis of Passion and Apathy. I recently shared a big lesson I received about working with the axis of the harmonic polarity between Love and Fear (#21 - The Fear / Love Axis) , an...
Episode 23

The Power of Gaia
Join Natalie as she shares a channeled message she received in 2021, about Gaia, wild weather, and the vibration of fear in the collective field.I wrote this message in my journal in October 2021, following some really crazy an...
Episode 22

The Fear / Love Axis
Join Natalie as she shares a recent lesson on the energetic powers of love and fear.After another little-ish break, I'm so happy to be back with you all! In this episode, I check in with the energy and share a *super* empowerin...
Episode 21

Transformational Healing
Join Natalie as she shares her journey through healing, and how the path of healing has led her to the wisdom of transformational healing. In this episode, I explore:- The advanced technology of the body, and why it's the m...
Episode 20

Self Belief + Future Self Envisioning
Join Natalie as she shares her personal theme for 2023, and explores the empowering process of Future Self Envisioning. “What if I was to cultivate a deep and unwavering belief in myself? What would happen?”I asked this que...
Episode 19

The Nature of Light
Join Natalie as she shares a message she channeled for the recent Solstice. I've made it a regular practice this year, to channel a message to share with the collective on the solstices and equinoxes. This week, as I celebrated...
Episode 18

Living in Alignment with Josh Dubovie
Join Natalie and her special guest Josh Dubovie, host of the MEGApodcast, as they discuss what it is to live in alignment with one's truth, and in symbiosis with the Earth and humanity. Josh has such an interesting and un...
Episode 17

2022 - A Year of Calibration
Join Natalie as she shares her reflections on the energies of 2022. Since December arrived, I've been in a deeply reflective mode, thinking about all the different ways 2022 has provided challenge and growth. In this week's epi...
Episode 16

Managing Triggers - a Channeled Message from the Akashic Records
Join Natalie as shares channeled guidance from the Akashic Records about how we can better manage our emotional triggers. In this mini-episode, I share some wisdom I received while in Akashic meditation, seeking guidance about man...
Episode 15

Soul Contracts
Ever wondered why you have a particular dynamic with someone in your life?Join Natalie as she explores the concept of Soul Contracts, and the role they play in our personal relationships. Enjoy the show :)PS. If you enjo...
Episode 14

Shadow Work
Join Natalie as she explores the concept of shadow work - what it is, how it works and why it's such an important part of the spiritual development journey. I get asked a lot about shadow work, so many people hear the term and have...
Episode 13