The Initiates
The Initiates Podcast is an exploration of spirituality, mysticism and awakening. Join your host and guide Natalie Grace for spiritual deep dives, intuitive guidance and channeled wisdom teachings, plus conversations with others on the spiritual path.
The Initiates
Managing Triggers - a Channeled Message from the Akashic Records
Join Natalie as shares channeled guidance from the Akashic Records about how we can better manage our emotional triggers.
In this mini-episode, I share some wisdom I received while in Akashic meditation, seeking guidance about managing my anger. The message explains the relationship between our emotions and thoughts, and the process of spiraling that can happen when we allow our thoughts to create emotional reactions that aren't necessary, along with practical guidance on how to honour our pure emotions without allowing our mind to take over.
I also share my own reflections on the message, and why we are receiving it right now.
Enjoy the show :)
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This is the initiates podcast. Here we create space to explore the path of initiation as we reawaken the forgotten wisdom that resides within us all. I am your hosting guide, Natalie Grace. Join me every Thursday for an enlightening exploration of contemporary spirituality. It's my honor to journey with you. Hello, beautiful friends. Thank you for being here with me. Today. I'm going to be delivering a channeled message from my Akashic Records. I felt compelled to go through my journals recently. I went through a really intense period of channeling every day for pretty much a year as part of my self devotional practice, something that I talked about a few episodes ago. And this channeling practice allowed me to gain so much wisdom from my spirit team, from higher guides, from my higher self, from my soul, all those different fragments of me and my world. It was like a practice of consulting with them, like meeting with a really wise friend every morning to get some really sage advice about questions, important questions I had about myself and my life and the world. Are we talking pretty soon, in a future episode, in more detail about the Akashic Records, I'm hoping to have a wonderful friend join me for that conversation. But for now, if you're not familiar with the Akashic Records, it's essentially a field of energy that contains all the feelings, experiences, memories, events, and knowledge of the world from past timelines, future timelines, and the current moment. It also contains the soul record, the record of each and every soul of humanity, of different cultures, of animals and plants, of objects. Basically, everything that exists in our world has an energetic memory that resides within the Akashic Records. It's a frequency I tap into through meditation and through prayer. Basically a special prayer that many Akashic Records channelers use. We have different versions of this prayer, but it's a pretty common practice in order to drop into the frequency and match the frequency of this energetic field. But once you're there, you can ask anything on your mind, and you'll get an answer that is beyond yourself. It comes from a higher source. And I know this to be true because what comes out is so poetic, and it feels like it's of me, but it's not from me. It's from a higher aspect of me, and sometimes something completely separate to me. I've had some really interesting experiences in the records where it didn't feel like I was just consulting with my higher self. It felt like and it sounded like I was consulting with completely separate entities to me. And that's something I'll expand on in the future. But for today, I wanted to go back through these journals when I was doing this channeling practice. So I'd go into meditation every morning. I have this special series of journals that I write in. They're all beautiful yellow journals. I use my colored pens just to make the practice interesting and colorful because that's a light color. Makes my life more interesting. And I'll come with a question and then I just write, I let it flow. So these messages come through me. They're channeled through automatic writing, which is literally just the practice of picking up a pen and having the intention of not allowing your mind to direct the thoughts that you're rushing. It's just letting words flow from you through the hand, trying to bypass the mind, basically. It's really hard to do when you have no prompt, so I'd always have a prompt with the particular question I was curious about for the day. And sometimes they're with deeply personal questions, other times they're about mundane things in the world. They could be about my relationships with other people, they can be about comic lessons, challenges I'm facing, or they can just be about the sky. What's the sky? Why is it blue? I feel called to share a lot more of these lessons in the lead up to the new year, so you probably can expect a few more of these styles of episodes, especially as we approach a new year. I feel like it's my process of reflection, going back and going over what I've learned and the wisdom that I've received trying to find those gems that I can add back into my life or take action upon. But also because there's so many good lessons here for the entire collective and I didn't have a platform to share them when I was receiving them. And that's really one of the biggest reasons I've created this podcast and built this platform for sharing and communication and communing. It is to transmit these messages for you to receive. So this particular message is about the connection between the mind and the emotions, especially in times where we feel triggered. So I'm going to come back afterwards, after you've listened to this channeled recitation and share some of my reflections along with why I think this message popped up for me today. The advice in it was quite pertinent, so I want to reflect on that too. And I feel like that is probably symbolic of the time and the wider collective that there's other people that need to hear this message today or whenever it is you're listening in between the message and my reflection, I'm going to leave a little pause for you to have your own reflection time. There'll be some quiet music there, so just take that moment to let that message sit with you and just notice what it might activate within you and come back to it. If you need a reminder. I do that a lot with my journals and it's really great to create a record here of the best lessons that come through, so that if we need a reminder or to revisit that activation, we can come back to the episode and take another listen. One more thing to note before we begin. I start the message with my own question. It's a fairly personal question. This message was channeled at a time when I was deep in my healing journey following my diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid disease, and I was really struggling with managing my emotions. It was causing me lots of problems and I was seeking some help. So that's what I'm referring to in the question. So this very first part of the message is my question, and then the wise answer follows. So even though it is a little bit vulnerable sharing my own personal consults with my records, I could not share this message. I felt like it was just so important and held so much wisdom. So, as always, thank you so much for the safety of this space in receiving this personal message that I'm about to share. Okay, let's journey. I'm having problems managing my emotions. I understand this is both caused and exacerbated by my thyroid issues. I also understand that my thyroid disease is a direct manifestation of my emotional health. I felt like since my diagnosis, I'd made a lot of progress in improving my emotional health. And in many ways, I'm much better. I've more confidence, more ambition, and more inspiration. But I still have problems controlling the anger I feel. When I believe I'm hurt or neglected or treated badly, I drop down into the victim role and I feel my frequency go back to where I was at my lowest hopeless, despairing, and out of control. I have a much better understanding of my shadows and triggers than I did previously. But I'm struggling with transforming my reactions. My reactions hurt my health, deplete my energy, and distract me from achieving my goals. What can I do to change how I react to my triggers? How can I feel the hurt and neglect that sit within my shadow self? Are there other shadows or triggers that I'm ignoring or not aware of that I need to work on? How can I better control my emotions when I am on the brink of an outburst? Please help me transform this energy. Your emotions are part of you. The issue is they cannot be controlled. They cannot be scheduled or even suppressed. 1 may try to suppress emotion, but it is still felt. It is just buried or masked which compounds the discomfort. It is not healthy for you to suppress any emotion, no matter how uncomfortable a job of the human in your realm is to feel, to experience the phenomenon of emotion in all of its forms of manifestations, to feel the connections between the mind and the body while experiencing the emotion. They are all one body, after all. Emotions are vibrations, as you are coming to learn, just as all else is vibration. In this way, you can understand emotion as a scale. It is possible to play the lower notes, but just like playing a piano, you can jump to a higher note even from the lowest register. This is your challenge to play your emotions or listen to your emotions as if they are a song? As you are aware, it can be harmful to only listen to songs in a discordant lower register. Is it any wonder that those kinds of songs contain lyrics that discuss darkness? Think of your emotional and mental bodies as a song. Your emotions, the music and the mental body the lyrics. Songs can tell wonderful stories. The music makes us feel purely, while the lyrics create thought patterns of understanding which trigger more emotions in us. In this respect, it is simpler to consume instrumental music to feel purely without the influence of the mind, adding new contrived emotional layers. This is our preference for you to feel your emotions like a song without the words take away the mind chatter that arrives. Once you notice your feeling, it is what complicates your reactions. The stories you tell when you are in lower emotional states do harm and compound your emotion to become even heavier. Instead of trying to mind talk your way higher, we want you to stop talking and to simply sit with your feelings as if they are a song being played to you. Witness the song, thank the musicians for the experience of feeling and then try to let the song go. It is not any use to hold onto a song. It is there for us to hear and feel as it is played. If you do this, you will find you can process and move through the experience of feeling low emotions. We encourage you to then return to your thought process. Once you feel calm, direct the thoughts to will you to an action that is useful and separate to what you just felt. Something that will direct your energy somewhere new. Going into the garden is perfect as the plants will help to calm and ground you and share healing energy with you. Remember to thank them for this act and send them love in return. If you cannot go outside, simply think of watering your plants, pulling weeds, planting seeds, or any other gardening activity. Imagine you were in the ocean or shower, or even cooking food. There are other thoughts that can reset your energy. Being cleansed is very useful. Imagine your aura changing color, changing from dirty to clean. Finally, think of little bread. He is delicate of heart, but has chosen to be with you at this time. He is an angel friend here to support you. When you feel anger, rage or hatred, please think of raising your vibration for him. Screaming does harm not only to you, but also him and taints the energy of the space you all reside in. He gives you so much healing energy to balance this. You are not aware of the magic he employs to cleanse you and your home. Thank him by actively focusing to create harmony and love, as those frequencies will bond to your space for everyone's benefit. Be well in love and transmission. So what did you think of that message? How do you feel about that message? Does that message resonate with you? I remember when I first channeled that message, I felt like it was really powerful wisdom for me because I was stuck in these patterns of feeling these really intense emotions, these pure emotions that would be triggered immediately in response to a situation. And they're real and they need to be felt. But it's how we decide to take action on how we're feeling that can become really harmful and hurtful and problematic to ourselves and to others. And that was a state I was in because as soon as I'd feel something, my mind would start running my programs, how I should be treated. And when you look into your expectations often, like, where do they even come from? Are they reasonable? Sometimes they are, but sometimes they're not. And sometimes we can be really inflexible with our expectations. So I feel like this practice allowed me to be more fluid in the moment and it helps me to gain or develop an awareness of that constant interaction between our minds and our thoughts and our emotions. And whether the emotion is a pure emotion being felt or whether it's actually an emotional response to a thought. And if it's the latter, is that emotion required? Can I do without it? It's very powerful. It's a very powerful practice. But boy, is it difficult. And so as I went through my journals this morning to find the message that I wanted to share today, this one really stuck out as the message that I wanted to record. Little did I know that I'd be challenged all day myself to put this guidance into action. I am much, much more calm and in control. And I don't want to say in control, that's the wrong word in awareness, in active awareness of my thoughts and emotions than I was when I first received this message. I've done a lot of work. If you've heard the past four or so episodes, I talk through a lot of my processes in regards to all the shadow work and the self reflection and the self devotion and all those kinds of things that go along with transformation. And so I've come a long way. But this is a lifelong mastery to have an in the moment awareness of how the mind wants to create emotional reactions that aren't necessary. Sometimes they are, but most often they're not. And so today I felt like my needs weren't being met. And that made me feel it triggered my childhood wounds of feeling neglected. And that is what then always triggers my mind to start running and thinking about all the ways that I expect I should be treated. And when our childhood wounds are triggered, often we react in childish ways. So this is the behavior that this practice is trying to counter for me at that time it was actually a lot of anger. But now it's more hurt and upset. And the practice really did help me curb my anger because anger isn't something that I deal with as frequently as I was when I got that message. But, yeah, today, obviously, I needed to hear that message today because throughout the day I would notice myself. I would almost feel myself and watch myself going into the patterns, those negative patterns that I described and that were shared with me in the answer to my question. And I wasn't taking this advice. I wasn't taking my own advice here to just simply pause and realize what's the lyrics and what's the actual music and go outside and distract myself with another kind of action to kind of transmute that emotional energy that just wasn't required to be felt. So I want to make that clear distinction that I feel like that initial instantaneous emotional feeling that we have when something happens, whether it's negative or positive or something in between, that's always true. That's what we're here to feel. What this particular advice is trying to help us with is when we start spiraling into unnecessary additional layers of emotional reaction that we're placing there through our thought processes. Because clearly the wisdom from Neon Kashic Records is saying that those spiraling emotions don't need to be felt and they actually do us harm if we allow that process to occur. And the advice and guidance here is practical ways that we can actually step into the driver's seat and redirect our reaction, which is really powerful. So I just wanted to say it's not as easy as receiving this message and then it is done. No, this is the removal of a tiny fragment of ignorance that now that we know we've received this message, we've heard it, we've understood the lesson. It's now a challenge for us. We're a challenge to actually put this learning or understanding into action. And so, as always, the awareness comes first. But then the practical action is where we actually integrate what we've learned and prove to ourselves our own evolution. So even though I could feel this pattern happening and I could have it reflected back to me how I was responding was inappropriate and unnecessary and distracting. I was still holding onto a resistance or hesitancy to take the higher action, the higher path. And I think that's why when I get messages from the records they so often give such useful practical advice and kind of metaphoric or symbolic kind of stories to help explain how we can better understand why something happens the way it does. So in this case of this message, they talked about a song. The difference between a song that is simply instrumental representing the pure feeling versus a song with lyrics that then adds a layer of emotion that is intrigued by us intellectualizing. The words of the song, the story that's being told that was separate to the actual music. I found this concept to be extremely helpful. Are these beautiful symbols and actually, to be honest with you, forgotten this message. Upon rereading it. I recalled how often when I did remember it, I used this lesson of observing my own reactions and kind of detaching the layers, like we would detaching the lyrics from a song and just listening to the music and receiving the music. So I thought that was really helpful. And music is something we can all relate to. So I think this was a really practical way of explaining how to do that detachment and awareness process. I also really enjoyed the practical tips. There was tips for us to transmit the energy in a physical sense by going into the garden, working with the Earth and actually interacting with plants. Specifically, it wasn't just grounding into the earth and getting dirt on the hands, it was actually allowing the plants to help receive some of this energy and transmute it for us and to return to us some healing energy from them to help balance out any disharmony or discordance. And even being gracious by tending to the plants via weeding or watering is a beautiful practice, too, because water is cleansing and a life giving and weeding is about nurture. So I found those tips super beautiful. And even the visualization tips, if you're at work and you're in an office and it's a concrete jungle, you can't necessarily go out to a garden and talk to the plants. Well, you can still visualize something that's going to have a similar effect. It was also a surprise. I remember feeling surprised when I got the message, but it made total sense. The mention of my cat Bread, who you might have heard me talk about before. There was a bit of a reference to cat magic there, but mostly the energetic influence that these spiraling responses, negative responses to triggers, can have on those around us, including our animals. And sometimes it's really hard to find compassionate selflessness when we're thinking about other people we share space with who might be the cause of our triggers. So this might be colleagues or partners or family members or housemates or friends or children, but most of us can find complete, unconditional love for our pets and really want to protect them from energetic influence that isn't theirs. So I found that to be a really useful reminder too. Just to be mindful of an innocent animal that shares this space who, regardless of how much he loves me and our subcontract and how much he's here to kind of help elevate me in my energy, in my home. In my world, I still must be mindful of my energetic influence on him and do all that I can to create an environment of energetic harmony for him to exist in. So it's a fairly short message this week, but it's a powerful message and I hope it's landed with you with resonance and that you've been able to take some wisdom from it. I'd love to hear what you think. So if you have any feedback for me in regards to this channeled wisdom teaching, don't hesitate to get in touch. Send me a message on Instagram at the initiates podcast. You can send me an email at the initiates podcast@gmail.com and let me know what you think. I have a new schedule for live events for December that I'll be popping into the show notes. If you would like to join me for a live Instagram and also live YouTube event this month where I am delivering some channeled guidance and also doing some tarot reading, then check out the schedule. Definitely follow me on Instagram because I always post my schedule and updates there and I recommend you go and follow me on YouTube if you don't already. I'm building a cool little community over there, so if you've subscribed to me on YouTube, hello. Shout out to you guys. So I'm going to be throwing a bit of an end of your event on YouTube, a community event. So if you like my vibe, there are other people that share this vibe too and I'd love to bring you all together. So go. Follow me. Subscribe on YouTube. Follow me on Instagram. It's at the initiates podcast for both YouTube and Instagram. I'll also pop links to those profiles into the show notes for you. Make sure you click all the bells so you get notifications for new posts, so you can stay tuned to my announcement for December events. That's it for this week. Thank you again for joining me. It's been an honor to journey with you. And until next week, I wish you peace and I wish you love you.