The Initiates
The Initiates Podcast is an exploration of spirituality, mysticism and awakening. Join your host and guide Natalie Grace for spiritual deep dives, intuitive guidance and channeled wisdom teachings, plus conversations with others on the spiritual path.
The Initiates
Exploring the Sacred: Discover Your Soul Mission through Sacred Ceremony
Ever felt the urge to delve deeper into your spiritual journey but didn't know how? Sacred Ceremony is the answer. I'm excited to unveil this online community crafted with care, providing teachings, tools, and resources to aid you on your spiritual path, starting with monthly online ceremonies.
My very first online ceremony happens this week, perfectly timed for the upcoming equinox. It's called The Blue Pool - A Guided Equinox Journey, and it's been channeled for you - to take you to a place beyond time and space, to receive a message from your guides about your unique soul mission.
Join me live on Zoom, as I guide you through an energetic cleanse, a spiritual invocation, a meditation journey and integration circle. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned spiritual traveller, I promise it will be an enlightening and transformative experience.
Register to attend here: https://thesacredceremony.com/
USA - Friday 22 September @ 7pm PST / 10 pm EST
AUS - Saturday 23 September @ 12 Midday AEST
In the spirit of reciprocity, entry for this first event is by donation, so that all can attend - all donations are welcome, no matter how small.
I'm so excited to journey with you!
x N
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Hello, my beautiful friends, I hope the energies the current energies have been finding you well and that you're enjoying a wonderful, active and harmonious Virgo season. I've found these energies of the past few weeks to be extremely activating for myself and it's led me to reorganize my life so that I'm living and working in a more aligned way. So this is going to be a very quick episode for me. Today I'm even skipping the intro to get straight down to business, because I have something really exciting to share with you. If you've tuned in to recent episodes, you may have heard me speak about a training that I've been doing. It's now come to completion and I'm hoping to activate new study very soon, but this training has been so incredible, so transformational for me. It's a container called Wilkesouyou, run by Gem from Anchoring the Light.
Speaker 1:I will definitely talk more about this training in the future, but the short version is that I've been training as a cacao ceremonialist, I guess, to hold sacred ceremony using plant medicines, starting with cacao, which has been such an incredible initiation for me. I love working with subtle energy medicines, subtle plant medicines, and I obviously do that with my flower remedies brand flower guide. It's one of my passions and one of my paths of sacred service, because I'm starting to discover that we can have many paths of sacred service. They all ultimately lead to the one place, but we can feel stuck when there's only one path, and it's something I'm realizing now. So I have been activating new paths of my sacred service through this training and now that it's complete, I'm ready to share one of my new roles, which is hosting sacred ceremony, and with that I'm launching a new project that is very dear to my heart, called sacred ceremony. This is a brand new community that I'm building and, I guess, an online hub for ceremony and ritual, and this is in community but also self-led. So there's going to be resources there, there's going to be tools and teachings, there's going to be products and accessories to help elevate and activate your practice, and, as part of this project, I'm going to be hosting monthly ceremonies online where I'll be guiding you through a beautiful and powerful and completely unique ceremony. Live on zoom. It's so exciting to share this with you because it's a culmination of all the things I love to share on the podcast of wisdom, teachings, channeled guidance, signs and synchronicities that are happening in our world symbolism, contemplation and ritual, mystical ritual all of these things coming together in a way that we can collectively commune and experience transformation together, and so I am super excited now to invite you to my very first sacred ceremony online event.
Speaker 1:It is happening for the upcoming equinox this weekend. It's a beautiful ceremony. It came to me very quickly, channeled, a couple of weeks ago, and it was very clear from my guides that this was to be the first ceremony and that it was to happen for the equinox. This event is called the Blue Pool and it's been designed by me, with the help of my guides and my spirit team, to make the most of the sacred pause that is the equinox. So we'll be coming together to journey to a place beyond time and beyond space, to the beautiful, sacred subconscious waters of the Blue Pool, and it is in the Blue Pool that you are going to receive a message from your guides about your soul mission and you're going to be given a tool to take into the physical reality that will help you anchor this energy. It's a very powerful, powerful and beautiful meditation that I've channeled so to take you through what this event will be like. It's quite a comprehensive and immersive experience.
Speaker 1:I've taken great care to craft a beautiful ritual for us and I'll be guiding you through a few different stages of ceremony. So first I'll be guiding you through an energetic cleanse using smudge. I'll be working with the energy of sacred smoke to clear and cleanse your field and our collective field and the space that you're sitting in when or laying in when we're doing the ceremony. Next, I'll be guiding you through an invocation calling in your guides, your allies, your spirit team and respectfully asking to work with the earth energies of celestial energies to open this sacred space. And we'll be giving a blessing and prayer of activation to whatever drink we're bringing along for the ceremony. Then I'm going to be taking you on a guided meditation journey. It's very visual and beautiful and it's where we're going to be meeting our guides, who have a very important and special message of activation for us relating to our unique soul mission, our unique medicine and how we can share that with the world. And they're going to be giving us a very precious gift to take into the physical reality, a powerful kind of amulet, we might say. And then, after all that, we'll have time for integration. So I'll be leading you through some integration practices where we can deepen the message that we've received and embody that message so that it can become more powerful and activated within us.
Speaker 1:If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, then please register. I would love to have your energy present in the space. As mentioned, I'll be delivering this live on Zoom. It will be happening on Friday, the 22nd of September. If you are in the US, that's at 7pm PST or 10pm EST. If you are in Australia, this is happening on Saturday, the 23rd of September, at 12 midday Australian East Side Standard Time. If you cannot make it to the live event, that is okay. I will be sharing the replay link after the event, and this ceremony has been designed to be done at any time. You can do it again, even after the equinox, if you enjoy it and want to reconnect with your guides in the future. Your energy will be felt, no matter when you make the time and space to do the ceremony yourself. Entry is by donation. Any amount is appreciated. All generosity I am extremely grateful for, no matter how small or big. You can choose the amount you want to donate. So if you would like to be a part of my equinox ceremony the blue pool you can find the registration link in the show notes or just head over to the sacred ceremonycom and you can register there.
Speaker 1:The equinox is such a magical time. It is a time of sacred pause. It is the moment of complete, harmonious balance in our world. Our world it is in every other moment polarised. In any other moment we are riding the ebbs and flows of the tide, but in the equinox, at that moment of the equinox, there is equal time, equal day and equal night, no matter where you are in the world, and in that moment we can tap into the quantum field. It's very powerful and very mystical and very magical, and it's a very potent time to receive higher wisdom. It's a beautiful time to pause and reflect and then open yourself up to receiving.
Speaker 1:It's very powerful visual imagery that came through that kind of gave me a key to unlocking something that many people are seeking right now. There's so many people who have been in this path for a little while or maybe newly waking up and feel ready to understand the challenge of why it is they came here, but they're missing some information and it's almost like what was handed to me from my guides was a key to a lock. It's that powerful and I'm generally a quite modest person, so it feels weird to be talking about something that is my own offering in this way. But when it was coming through, the visions and the words were coming through so quickly, I was just at my computer typing as fast as I could and I was just like, wow, this is going to be so amazing for the people who attend and receive this, this medicine and I definitely got an activation myself just receiving the, the guided meditation journey, and to marry that with the energetic cleansing and the invocation and the prayers that we'll be doing is going to just be so powerful. So it's a very immersive experience.
Speaker 1:While I'll be guiding you. It's very interactive in that you will be convening with your guides, with your spirit team, with your higher self, and we'll also be coming together to kind of create a beautiful collective energetic field to help activate and integrate the wisdom that we receive. So, with all that said, I hope you're inspired to join me. Go and register at the sacred ceremony, comm or find the link in the show notes and I'm so excited to journey with you. I'll have a new episode for you very soon, my friends, so until then, peace and love.