Natalie Grace
My name is Natalie Grace. I’m a semi-professional mystic. I’m a soul exploring my own evolution. I am a student of life in the 3D realm. I am an observer, bearing witness to the natural (and un-natural) world.
I created this podcast to explore the path of initiation as a collective. To challenge our beliefs of what is "real" and to help reawaken the forgotten wisdom that resides within us all.
I believe it is my dharma to help raise the collective vibration, and to empower individuals to align with their sacred mission. I was inspired to create this podcast through my work sharing the wisdom of the Tarot in my Crystal Aura Tarot community.
Over time I found that the messages shared began to stretch beyond the confines of Tarot.
And I’ve found that using my voice to share these messages has been a source of healing and activation for me, as well as those listening.
And so, The Initiates Podcast was born.